5 Thoughtful Ways to Thank Volunteers

Associations need volunteers! And, volunteers know that they are taking on tasks without tangible rewards. However, the key is to make everyone feel important while bestowing the greatest thanks on those the association could not survive without. It’s not the cost of the recognition that matters; it’s the genuineness of those gestures. Here are 5 thoughtful ways to thank volunteers!

  1. In the News: Connect with your local magazine or paper and ask them to do a write up on your top volunteers and the event they supported.
  2. Set in Stone: For top notch volunteers, consider naming something in their honor.
  3. Host an Event: Treat all your volunteers and their families to a picnic or ice cream social.
  4. Family Night: Do something nice for the volunteer’s family by giving them gift cards for a family night out.
  5. Notes and Treats: Send handwritten notes and sweet treats.


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