5 Tips to Help Reach Your Association’s Goal

Setting goals comes with the terrain for most leaders. Goal setting is the practice of successful people. Unfortunately, the act of goal setting by itself does not guarantee goal achievement. Here are five tips that can turn your goal setting into goal getting.

  1. Be S.M.A.R.T.: This goal setting acronym approach has been around for a long time and it still works! Specific-Measurable-Attainable-Realistic-Timeline
  2. Document: Most leaders learn quickly if it isn’t documented it didn’t happen. Goal setting is similar, it must be documented. The act of writing the goal down creates a sense of commitment and also allows everyone to read it. Reading the goal gives more confidence that achieving it is possible.
  3. Break It Down: It’s good to have big and very ambitious goals, but many times, you can make them more attainable and realistic by breaking them down. A set of five smaller goals that will get everyone to the ambitious goal can be a lot more manageable and a lot less overwhelming.
  4. Focus on Positive Thinking:  As cliché as it may be, positive thinking can empower others to help reach success. Positive thinking and self-affirming mantras really can get everyone through the most challenging parts of reaching the goal.
  5. Celebrate Every Success: Take time to celebrate every success for every goal, no matter how big or small. It will build confidence and commitment and make it easier to keep pushing to reach those large-scale future goals.
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