5 Ways to Get People Involved in Meetings

Building  a vibrant association community takes volunteers who are willing to take on roles and responsibilities of all sizes. Getting attendees to engage in a meeting can be a challenge. Here are a five ways to get members involved in meetings:


  1. Connect with members that per-registered for an event. Email them and ask what topics they’d like addressed or covered.
  2. During the meeting ask people directly for opinions. Never put down a new ideas.
  3. Consider having a suggestion box for future topics. Also, try sending out a survey after the meeting.
  4. Have a guest speaker come to an event to educate. Use the suggestion box results to pick the most valued topic for your members.
  5. Ask members to get involved. The key is finding the right fit for each member.


Always listen to what your members need and want to find the best solutions for them.

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