A True Leader

Becoming a leader is not about education or pedigree or even native smarts. Most of the most successful leaders started life as a regular person just like you. A true leader inspires steadfast loyalty by being confident, firm and by keeping promises.

 When you are confident, members will naturally assume you know what you are doing. This gains trust, responsibility, and respect. Not knowing something is fine, just be confident that you don’t know it. A lack of knowledge has nothing to do with your confidence or ability to lead.

Since you’re leading, you’re the one that needs to set the rules and boundaries by being firm. It’s up to you to establish some system, rhyme and reason to the situation. Be logical and understanding when you assert your rule.

If you don’t deliver on what you promised to deliver, your members will not support you. For your association to grow, everyone has to get better. This has nothing to do with just you being great, you have to make your team great.

Truth be told, everyone is looking to be led. Not only do people want leaders, but also they are looking for them. To lead a situation, you need to see it arising, see how you can help it, and see the path it’s going down. Let your team take care of the doing. You have to have a vision.

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