CoreNet Global Carolinas Named Best Chapter in the World

CHARLOTTE, N.C. – Oct. 29, 2019CoreNet Global Carolinas – a professional association dedicated to the advancement of the corporate real estate industry – was named “Chapter of the Year” among CoreNet Globals’ large-mega chapters throughout the world.

In addition to winning Chapter of the Year, CoreNet Global Carolinas also placed first in the following categories: Highest Membership Retention, Highest Young Leader Retention And 5% Retention Increase from the previous year. Members from the CoreNet Global Carolinas Chapter accepted the award during the CoreNet Global 2019 Summit in Orange County, Calif.

“We are thrilled to be named the Best Large-Mega CoreNet Global Chapter of the Year throughout the world. Having received this honor previously for Small and Medium Chapter of the Year speaks to the amazing accomplishments of our past presidents and leadership. It is an honor to carry this legacy through our chapter’s continued growth,” said Frank Wiseman, president of CoreNet Global Carolinas. “This accolade and other category recognitions are a testament to our amazing board of directors, committee members, sponsors and chapter members who have all contributed to the success we have achieved this year.”

About CoreNet Global’s Chapter of the Year
CoreNet Global recognizes two CoreNet Global chapters annually (one small/medium and one large/mega chapter) aimed at raising the profile of corporate real estate and recognizing the profession’s contributions to enterprise success. This category recognizes the Chapter which excelled in the following areas: membership recruitment and retention strategies; delivery of value proposition; delivery of innovative programming; and alignment with CoreNet Globals’ Strategic Plan. For more information, visit

About CoreNet Global Carolinas
CoreNet Global Carolinas, a regional chapter of CoreNet Global, serves corporate real estate professionals in North and South Carolina. The association is dedicated to advancing the practice of corporate real estate through professional development opportunities, publications, research, conferences, and chapters and networking groups. To learn more, please visit

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