How to Run a Board Meeting

Make every meeting matter. There are many ways to conduct a board meeting but the key to running an effective meeting is to choose a procedure that works for your individual board.  An organized board meeting will run smoothly and conduct the business of the association while communicating the position of the association on various matters.

 Here are some suggestions to make board meetings run more smoothly and efficiently:
Prepare an Agenda
Conducting an effective board meeting starts with a good meeting agenda. The agenda is a useful and powerful tool to keep members on topic and in control. List all of the topics that you want to discuss in the meeting in the order in which you want to discuss  Write your goal in an understandable statement. Add further clarity to your agenda by placing an estimated amount of time next to each item to discuss.
Own Your Meeting
Take charge and make it clear that you intend to keep the discussion timely, useful, and relevant. Stay on topic and keep the group focused. As much time as possible should be spent on discussion, rather than update. As you move through your discussion and decide on things that need doing, assign these tasks on the spot.
Close with an Action Plan
Conclude the meeting on time and make sure that everyone leaves knowing the next step and due dates for the completion of each task. End the meeting by asking everyone whether they thought the meeting was useful and, if not, what could be done better next time.
    By being prepared and organized a board meeting can effectively manage the needs of the association. Productive, valuable, and engaging meetings require a clear goal, an open dialog, and a strong leader. This will ensure that each meeting runs smoothly and effectively – saving you and your team members time and money!
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