Membership Renewal Season

For associations with annual calendar-based memberships, renewal season is here! When it comes time to reach out to members who might be indecisive about renewal, make sure to keep these questions in mind:

1. Does you Membership Committee and leadership know your membership benefits? For many associations, membership benefits vary from educational opportunities to networking engagements to credentialing classes. Although knowing the full list of membership benefits is important, it is equally as important to keep in mind the unique point of view of each member. When members start to question the value of their membership, it could be because they do not know what benefits are available. For some, the opportunity to attend events and meet peers is a driver for renewal. For others, it could be access to thought leadership and white papers to learn more about their industry and profession. Keep in mind that members find value from more than one benefit, and although they may not want to be engaged in networking opportunities, there are many ways membership can still be of value.

2. Do you know your resources? At times, members may not know who to turn to with questions about getting the most out of their membership. Don’t forget to bridge the gap and introduce the members to their resource! Association Managers are here to help keep members connected, with each other and with the organization. If there are questions about how to get engaged, upcoming programs, or utilizing their benefits, just ask! Association staff are a valuable resource for members to connect with and use to stay in the know about the organization.

3. Why and when did the member originally join? At times, it is important to backtrack to the reasons a member joined in the first place. Was there a career opportunity involved? Did a colleague mention the organization and create an interest to join? Was there a group of members that you wanted to meet? When it comes to renewing memberships, it could be time to reconnect with some of those past relationships. Set up some time to chat about what they continue to get out of the association, and why they recruited you to join! Association memberships drive on referrals and connections. Don’t forget to trust those contacts that were passionate enough to recruit members to begin with.

Most important to any successful renewal campaign is delivering quality throughout the year, engaging members though a variety of channels and asking members what they want out of their membership. If you engage with frequency and remain relevant, renewal season can be a breeze!

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