Mid-Atlantic Featured in CoreNet Global Leadership Magazine

Check out the September issue of CoreNet Global’s Leadership Magazine where the Mid-Atlantic Chapter is featured for the first time as part of the “Association Roundup”!

Earlier this year, the Education Committee hosted a global panel discussing corporate real estate (CRE) strategies and the role of CRE in Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A). Hosted by the Mid-Atlantic Chapter, the event collaborated the CoreNet New York City and the London Chapters. The three AOL office locations connected via telepresence technology allowing attendees to participate in this multi-continent event.

The Mid-Atlantic Chapter is constantly striving to bring a new dimension to programming and events, to utilize technology and collaborate with other Chapters. We look forward to connecting with more Chapters in the future to continue building programs that bridge markets around the globe.



Check out the September issue of CoreNet Global’s Leadership Magazine where the Mid-Atlantic Chapter is featured as part of the “Association Roundup”! http://theleader.epubxp.com/t/51160-the-leader-magazine

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