Trends for Associations

  • Be Green. Associations around the U.S. celebrated Earth Day on April 22, and looked into ways that their members could act in more environmentally-friendly ways year-round.
  • Mobile is a Way of Life. While some associations are taking the shift from Web 2.0 to mobile in stride, others are still catching up. Millennials, the generation that now comprises more than 70 million members of the American workforce, will undoubtedly drive everyone further into a mobile-reliant world. Associations: Be ready.
  • Non-dues Revenue. Associations will need to become more creative and more flexible about how they fund their initiatives and their work. This is where non-dues revenue earned through areas such as communications, reimagined print and digital channels, and partnerships can carry the day. We live in a business world in which the creation of meaningful professional experiences and opportunities to advance the careers of members cost money.
  • Career Services from You: Associations are in a prime position to help professionals maintain their skill set and advance their careers with the help of online career centers and networks. Career centers deliver advancement opportunities from the comfort of a member’s personal computer or mobile device, and can earn associations non-dues revenue as well. These industry-specific tools can also help members who need to relocate or are looking for a change in careers.
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