Mobile Technology for Associations


Think your association can wait to start using mobile apps to engage your members? Think again. Mobile technology is quickly overtaking traditional online channels for certain types of member engagement.

Mobile phones and apps have become the most popular form of non-verbal communication, and associations are now working to make their websites and other online communications responsive to mobile formats.

Mobile apps are becoming standard guides for events, and with the advent of “Internet of Things” concepts, such as Apple Pay and smart sports equipment, this space is going to explode in the coming year. As an association, make sure you are poised to use mobile to provide your members with enhanced membership experiences and to earn yourselves non-dues revenue.

Here are 3 things that association leaders should know about engaging members through member and community apps on mobile devices.

1. Mobile Members Are Not More Interested, Just More Active

Members who use an association’s mobile app are just as interested in the news and business of an association as members who are do not follow their association on a mobile device. However, members who engage an association on a mobile device are more active in their organization than their non-mobile connected counterparts.

2. Mobility Makes It Easier to Keep Up With Your Association

Members who use mobile apps to connect to their association feel more strongly that it is easy to keep up with information about their association community – leading to higher levels of engagement and satisfaction.

3. Mobile Community Apps Can Help Associations Engage Younger Members

Many associations are looking for ways to build strong programs to engage young professionals. Research tells us that the members who will engage your organization on mobile devices trend younger than your average member.

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